Tuesday, October 7, 2014

1 Year Blogiversary!

Today marks Tri-ing The Best I Can's 1 year Blogiversary! Whoop whoop! 

While this blog was primarily created as a way to track my Half Ironman training, I've actually fallen in love with the blogging world and those within this community and don't plan on stopping any time soon! So let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at all the injuries fun I had these past 12 months! And be sure to read through to the end for a little giveaway treat!

October 2013

10/7/13 saw the creation of Tri-ing The Best I Can with my very first blog post! Followed by one of my favorite fall trips to Hood River, OR for fruit harvesting and delicious brew tasting. Oh yeah, and a few additional posts about the lack of motivation.....(I sense a recurring fall theme)

November 2013

November had me in full training mode for my very first half marathon! Lots of running and even more experimenting with forms of motivation! P and I did get up to Mt Hood for a quiet Thanksgiving in the mountains too.....ahhh....makes me smile just thinking about it.

December 2013

Completed my first 13.1 miles and P, his second 5k, at The Holiday Half!! And in what would prove to be 'The Year of Pain', I ended up injuring my right calf. Oh, mustn't forget that I also learned exactly what NOT to wear if you want to look decent in race pictures. Whoever convinced me that running shorts over full tights was a good look needs to be slapped! Um, no. Take my word for it, they.were.bad.

Can't forget to mention one of the happiest moments of December - P and I got engaged!! Hallelujah, the "Three Amigos" are finally going to be legit!

January 2014

Officially completed week 1 of my 20 week Boise, 70.3 Half Ironman training plan AND became a Sweat Pink Ambassador!

February 2014

Hired Brett, of PTS Sports and Meredith of Swim Bike Mom as my virtual 70.3 coaches and joined the SwimBikeTrain 70.3 online group! Not once did I regret that decision. Completed The Worst Day of The Year 5k and quickly realized I need to incorporate more hill work into my training. However, the post race McMenamins beer and lentil soup more than made up for a sluggish run.

March 2014

March was brought to you by another episode of The Portland Shamrock Run and the letter "F"! This time I conquered a tremendously hilly 15k and - enter another episode of 'The Year of Pain'. Yep, you guessed it,  injured my hip - which would put me into PT for 3 months and continue to be a nag for the rest of the year. All in the midst of weeks 6-9 of IM Boise training. Joy!

April 2014

Lots of crazy this month.

Meg!!! (green jacket)

I participated in my first 'Tri Talk Tuesday' link up where we discussed open water swimming and had an amazing Retul bike fit which helped me to get through many a 3+ hour trainer rides without the usual lady part pain.

I continued to jam through four more weeks of IM Boise training and then had an awful bike accident during my first tri of the season at The Beaver Freezer, adding a sprained elbow/wrist to my ever growing PT bill. I did get to meet fellow SwimBikeMom, Meg, and even had a surprise visit from my bestie (that's her in the pic with the OSU beaver) to help celebrate my birthday weekend! Accident aside it was an outstanding month!

May 2015

May took The Kid and I to Chicago to visit my pops and see my little sister graduate from High School. I also reviewed my second TriBox which would contain one of my favorite products - the Mino! So a quick visit to Chi-town and lots and lots of training.

Oh yeah, and The Kid graduated from Middle School and I officially become an old lady! :)

June 2014

One guess - Ironman Boise 70.3 baby!! 

One amazing trip out to Boise, ID where my family was able to see both my brother and I complete our first Half Ironman ! Too much good stuff to try and fit into a brief description so I'll direct you to my race recap for all the awesome details! Link to Recap #1 here and #2 here!

July 2014

The Kid and I raced The Girlfriends and Dudes Triathlon together where I  promptly PR'd my sprint distance by over 12 minutes  for a total time of 1:23:42 AND won 3rd place in my age group! The kid himself kicked major booty in his age group (though not a timed or placed event) and decides that yes, he loves this triathlon stuff and is ready for more next year!

August 2014

I FINALLY got around to recapping July's race....then went into some serious post race blues. High School started up for The Kid and I started floundering for another race to register for. (expensive motivational tool)

September 2014

I decided to start commuting into work a few days a week and participate in the BTA Bike Commute Challenge........

I visited my sister and new baby niece in So Cal whom I immediately nickname, Smooshy (is she not the most adorable thing ever?!!), and stay long enough to witness my SD Chargers kick some Seattle Seachicken butt!!!........

I ran my first 60 mile/6 person Gorgeous Relay with team Chafing The Dream!!

And then...next to getting engaged and completing my first Half Ironman, I get some of the most exciting news of the year and am asked to join the 2015 Swim Bike Mom Ambassador Team!!!!!


 Needless to say, this last year has given me a multitude of fun things to blog about and being able to share all of my adventures with YOU has been the best part about it! So, in celebration of the hours I've spent writing, and as a thank you for the time you've spent following and all your kind and encouraging comments,  I'd like to do a giveaway. That's right, a little1 year Blogiversary present for you!

You've heard me mention how much I adore Lock Laces, right? How about a 3 pack to enjoy?!!

Enter the giveaway below and make sure to tell your buddies about it too! The contest will end on Sunday, 10/12 at midnight!

Thanks again and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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