Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I'm getting old. 

You know, that sit-on-the-floor-cross-legged-now-I-can-barely-stand-upright, kinda old?

Last night was 60 mins on the trainer. No biggie, right?  Um, no. Klutz over here did something to her right foot while hopping back on the bike after stopping midway to open the bedroom window and let a bit of fresh air in.  I get back over to the bike, clip (or what I assumed was clipped) my right foot in, stand up to swing my left leg over and slip, pop - shoe clips out unexpectedly, foot twists in a weird direction and I fall over onto the bed. Yes, I said "bed". My dumb trainer is literally wedged 10 inches form the side of my bed and  maybe 5 from the wall. (yes....we need a bigger place...working on that....)

I think it's no big deal, get back on the bike and continue the workout. It wasn't until I took the pups out to the bathroom (3 flights of stairs down) later that night that I realize, maybe I've done something a bit more serious to my foot than first thought - there is no way it should hurt like this.

I mean, really..are my brittle bones so old that I cant' handle a little twist without it becoming a real issue? I swear I turned 30 and everything either slowed down immensely or decided to just stop working period. Let's not even get into what the past 7 years have done to my body.....37, yet sometimes I feel like 67!

So, remember just Monday when I said that training was going outstanding? Yeah, totally jinxed myself. I skipped this morning's swim to give the foot a bit more rest but do plan on trying to get into the pool tonight while The Kid is at practice.....hoping this is all a non issue......but honestly, I should really be forced to walk around in bubble wrap.......*sigh*

In other news, still struggling with getting to bed at a decent hour.

I am so not a morning person - and when I'm scheduled for two-a-day workouts, unless there is a morning swim included (which for some reason I have no issue getting up for - old school swim team habits die hard, I guess), I am having to wait until my evenings to pull off both. And since I usually don't get started until around 7:30/8 or so, I find myself finishing up my session at 9/9:30 most nights!

Working out later in the evening isn't the issue for me though - the problem lies with my then finding enough time to shower, choke down some recovery snacks and relax before hopping into bed. I've done a bit of research and can't seem to find anything that says it's a bad thing to go straight to bed after a workout, so.....still feels odd to me.....

Any feedback from all my racing cohorts out there?

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Monday, January 27, 2014

70.3 - Week 1 Training Recap

First week of 70.3 training and I am happy to report that though I struggled with getting to bed at a decent hour, the actual workouts are, dare I say, a big of a breeze?! I think my base is so much bigger/stronger than where I started at last year - will give this plan a few more weeks but unless I start to feel more challenged, will be looking for a replacement.

Monday Planned: 2800 meter swim + 40 min easy run
Actual:  2800 meter swim + bailed on the run. Wasn't going to happen unless I got on the dreadmill at 9:30pm (need to work on time management)

Tuesday Planned: 30 min easy run + 60 min trainer, low effort
Actual: same +  20 min core strength

Wednesday Planned: 2050 meter swim
Actual: same

Thursday Planned: 60 min easy run
Actual: same

Friday Planned: 1750 meters swim + 45 min bike
Actual: same

Saturday planned: Rest day!
Actual: Rest day and wedding planning! (truth be told it was more like beer drinking day......which I need to start cutting out entirely the next 9 months - boo)

Sunday planned: 90 min bike - outside if possible
Actual: 90 min bike trainer

Overall I feel awesome! Not sore in the least - which is probably a good indication that I should increase my intensity and start building in strength training sessions at least 4 days a week. My goal for Boise is to finish strong...not just just finish.  Those of you who know me well, know that when it comes to physical competition I never do things halfway. Go big and always give it your very best! How else will you know what you are truly capable of?

Week 1 - lessons learned:

1. Need to invest in cold weather/windy riding gear 
2. I need, need, need a new saddle! I suffered through last year but am certain that there is something much for comfortable out there. 
3. Need to spend more time in aero....
4. "Rest Day" does not mean drink a ton of beer and eat crap food!!
5. If I don't get up at 4:30am, my two-a-day workouts are NOT going to happen. 
7. Much easier beginning a new season when you've maintained a decent fitness level over the off season.

Feeling pumped  - hoping this surge of positive energy propels me into another great week of training. So until the pains and struggles of triathlon start rearing their ugly heads, enjoy the good news!!

Want = nothing if it's not followed by the DO!

How has your training been going? 
Have you been stung by the motivation bug yet?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Company Challenge & Sweating Pink!

4 days into week 1 of Boise 70.3 training. It's a bit of a shock to the system, but that's what I get for staying away from the pool and bike these past 3 months. I've been able to stay on schedule so far, getting all but 1 of my workouts in. This week is focused mainly on getting back into the swing of things and trying to keep up on sleep in order to prepare for round 2 next week.Total hours of training = 7.08, so no complaining allowed here. I'll have a better recap on numbers come Monday. 

In the meantime we have some pretty fun events happening at work that are fitness/health related. Our "Wellness Team" has put together all kinds of great options for the new year....

1. Step Challenge - Teams of 5 individuals will wear a pedometer from now until the end of March and record their weekly steps on Friday. As there are quite a few of us who do other activities that don't necessarily involve "steps" (i.e. swimming, biking, pilates, yoga etc.) we were given a conversion chart to properly record how many steps our additional activities would come out to be. That being said, we formed an awesome team made up of 1 multiple marathoner, 1 crazy fitness guru, 1 consistently runs 4 miles each day guy, 1 triathlete (me!) and 1 guy who walks at least 6 miles a day and never sits down, even when at home (that would be P!). Needless to say I really like our odds......will definitely keep you posted on how we are dominating the field as the weeks go by.........

2. Another great option our work will start to provide is lunchtime yoga! I am super excited about this one as it is so hard for me to fit in yoga sessions during the week with my crazy schedule. This form of stretch and relaxation is vital to my training and though I am not all that thrilled to be in "happy baby" next to my co-workers, the benefits far outweigh any inhibitions I may have.

Feels oh so good, but oh so not the most flattering position to be in around your work bros.

3.We now also have a "Wellness" site on our company intranet that will be used to share healthy recipes, schedule group runs/rides etc. 

All in all, I am very excited for these changes. It's great when you can work for a company that takes your health and wellness seriously enough to actually provide these kind of services. Now, if we can only convince them to pay for our gym memberships.......or perhaps a race entry or two...... :)

In other great news, I am now an official Ambassador of Sweat Pink! Wohoo!

 Sweat Pink is an awesome movement geared towards bringing the "tough" and "girly" together. This movement holds very dear to my heart as growing up I was always considered "just one of the guys". The idea that I would much rather be playing hockey, football etc. instead of painting my nails and going shopping was frowned upon. For a young woman  trying her best to figure out how she fit into this world in the first place, being made to feel that my need and drive to be active wasn't ladylike was extremely frustrating.  The perception that I wasn't acting "appropriately" seemed to be a recurring theme.
Well I am here to tell you that by all means it is more than OK to get out there and sweat your butt off, by any means possible. Wanting to be out on the field instead of sitting on the sidelines does not in any way diminish your femininity! Heck, if anything, your desire to improve, go hard and push limits can be one of the most attractive qualities a woman will ever posses! Do I love getting dressed up and enjoying an evening at the opera? Heck yes - but you'd better believe that I am just as girly the next day when I wake up and sweat out a 5 mile run.
I am proud to join this group of women as we move forward with determination and encourage other young women  to believe that sweat is amazing.....and pink sweat is even better!

For more information on the Sweat Pink revolution and how you can get involved, click on the badge I've added to the left hand side of my page.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Go To Bed You Knuckle Head!!

First week back at it and I feel ok. Not great, just ok. 

                                                Sun - 4.6 mile easy run + arm work
                                                Mon - 12 mile bike (trainer)
                                                Tues - 4 mile race pace run + core work
                                                Wed - off (mental rest day while I can still have them)
                                                Tonight - 20 mile bike (trainer)
Training wise I have been pretty much on point and nutrition has been going relatively well. What I seem to be neglecting though is SLEEP! I'm a natural night owl - always have been. So the idea of going to bed before 11pm is just crazy, insane to me! Even during training season I still find it a struggle to fall asleep at a decent hour.

Monday starts up half iron training though and consistent 2 a day workouts. That said, this is what my average WORK day will start to look like - people are always asking me where I fit in the time to do what I's not pretty...

4am - wake up and head to the pool
4:30 - 6 - swim workout
6:15 - 7:15 - get ready for the day/breakfast
7:15 - drop the Kid off for school (bus stop)
7:15 - commute to work
8-5 - Work. Same schedule every day
12 - Lunch, usually at my desk 
5-5:45 - commute home
6-7 (M,W,F) - Swim practice for the Kid (which I always attend and will continue to make it priority)
7:30 - Dinner
8:30 - second workout (run/bike)
9:30 - 10:30pm shower and decompress before bed.

It's pretty much non-stop. And see that little window of time between 9:30 - 10:30? That's where the night owl in me comes to life....the act of going to bed only an hour after I've worked out is near impossible for me. But how do you get in the proper amount of sleep (which I know is a vital ingredient for health and overall training success) when your mind and body are still running a mile a minute? 

Finding that balance will prove to be my biggest challenge this season. Adjustments to the training schedule, carving out time to get in a run at lunch., etc....lots of things to consider. What's really scaring me though is the commitment level for IRONMAN. At least double what I'll be doing this year (yikes!!).....But hey, if fellow triathletes with multiple young children and full time jobs can somehow manage to get their workouts in, then I really have nothing to complain about. So suck it up, buttercup!

In the meantime, I'll just keep focusing on making sleep a priority this season and fret about IRONMAN when the time comes.....

As a wise person once said....

(Found this last night while I was up typing away at 11:30pm!!)

Monday, January 13, 2014

And Awaaaay We Go!

And so my 4 weeks of down recovery time is over....and somehow I've managed to pack on 8 pounds........umm.....

8 pounds in 4 weeks??!! Is that even possible? Criminy, that's a little pathetic! Dang you seasonal beers and holiday treats!!!

Not to worry though, I fully expected this to happen (not quite to this extent) and actually embraced the increase (perhaps too much). Did I go a little overboard? Yes, yes indeed - and I'll definitely be working on finding a balance this next year. has a great article though (as do many other sources) on the 5 basic rules to follow during off-season and the actual benefits of weight gain during this is a little tidbit.....

Agree or disagree it is interesting, no? Though I would never advocate an extreme fluctuation in weight loss/gain or anything that resembles yo-yo dieting, I do believe this makes a lot of sense. You can't possibly keep up with the quantity and intensity of a half ironman training plan throughout the whole year. Your body needs those precious off-season weeks to recover, re-build and in many cases heal. 

That being said, there are certainly adjustments that one must make to caloric intake during these down times...and this, my friends, is where I apparently fell off the wagon. Hence the added task of having to take off some extra lbs over the next few months before even getting the chance to focus on getting down to my ideal "race weight".

Ah, "race weight" - that's another goal of mine for the 2014 season.  From now through September I will be taking the necessary steps needed to find out what this magic number is for me so that I can plan on being there at the start of each season and not just the end. "Race weight" is when a triathlete reaches the weight that they are swimming great, biking great and running great. It's hard to specifically attach a number - rather at your race weight you will start to feel powerful, fast and energetic. Dip a few pounds below and you'll start to feel lethargic, weak and slow. Mainly because you'll be losing more muscle than body fat - the very muscle that you need for power and speed. It's definitely a fine line and different for everyone.

Over the next 8 months I will be experimenting and stepping on the scale every week (which I currently do not do - oh joy) to track my weight loss and how I feel at each weight. It's a bit of an unscientific process that requires you to listen to your body and pay attention to your performance in workouts and races. Much more than just finding your ideal BMI and rolling with that. I look forward to the end result and wonder how far off it actually is from where I assume it should be...ahem...130/135.

After all, as my tri friend and fellow blogger over at thetrigirlchronicles just posted...(check Courtney out, she's awesome)

Can I get  a, "Hell yeah!"?
So, In order to keep track and stay accountable, each week I will be posting a recap of my training hours, weigh ins and nutritional counts, as well as energy levels and emotional stability. Similar to what I am currently doing, just in more detail. And I apologize in advance if I start to bore the heck out of anyone....but like I said in the beginning, this site was created to give me space to do just this - and hopefully we can all learn something along the way.

Let the 2014 season commence!!

What are your thoughts on weight gain during the off-season?
How do you manage caloric intake when not in training mode?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A New Year Brings New Goals

Happy New Year everyone and three cheers for a first round playoff victory for my San Diego Chargers!!

Haha - Phil is PUMPED!!

In other news (seriously though, is there more exciting news than an SD victory?!!), still working on finalizing my non-racing related goals for 2014, but with Boise HIM training officially starting up in a few weeks, here is what I'm close to settling on for this year's docket....

2/1 - Worst Day of the Year Run, 5k
3/16 - PDX Shamrock Run, 15k
4/5 - OSU Beaver Freezer Triathlon, Sprint
4/13 - Blooms to Brews Half Marathon
5/10 -  Oregon Dunes Triathlon, Olympic
6/7 - Ironman Boise, 70.3
8/4 - Mid Summer Triathlon, Sprint
9/21 - Portland Triathlon, Sprint (maybe Olympic?)
12 - Foot Traffic Holiday Half Marathon

Look like a pretty full schedule? For me it most certainly is - 2 more triathlons than last year, 2 half marathons and oh yeah, lets throw in a little half Ironman while we're at it. :) This definitely isn't a final list as I still have to register for most and I'd like to try and find something to fill in July and October - if this year has taught me anything, it's how lazy I can be when not in training. While I don't want to get to the point of burn out, having at least something on the calendar each month will help to keep my hiney motivated. I haven't done a darn thing since my HM three weeks ago.............
( pair of Brooks I ordered after Christmas showed up on Friday though, so THAT changes tomorrow....)

Though I do have quite a few challenging events to look forward to this year, Boise is definitely my "A" race. I've been going back and forth on hiring a coach but have not made a commitment just yet. I did find a training plan that looks to be a perfect match for not only my available time but one that will best incorporate my other races. The best part is, it was free! Link is below for any that might be interested themselves.....

Total of 20 weeks with 2 off days per week and the run/bike/swim training hours maxing out at 10.5. 10.5  per week doesn't sound like all that much, but once I add in time spent on strength training/yoga (which I did not do nearly enough of last year), it should bring me closer to a total of 16-17.

Now I just need to upload the specifics into my TrainingPeaks account and awaaaaaaaay we go!

Oh, and I mustn't forget,  Jake & Otter want you to know that they were very influential in today's post.
And yes....those are Christmas decorations still up in my house......don't judge me. ;)

Have you settled on a race schedule for 2014 yet? What is your "A" race?
How do you stay motivated to keep up with your resolutions?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - A Year in Review

I hope everyone had a wonderful CHRISTmas, surrounded by loved ones and filled with many blessings! Mine was outstanding - no travelling (for once!) and 6 days off from work to spend staycationing with The Kid, P and our pups. Although we missed not seeing family this holiday season, FaceTime and Skype certainly made things a lot easier! Santa was also uber generous,  filling my stocking with an abundance of GU packets, Nuun tabs and 2 (count em 2!) roller sticks. I also received a grip of Amazon gift cards from family members that have me right on the very edge of purchasing my Garmin 910XT. Stoked!!!

So yeah, I guess you can say I had a good December. :)

 At the end of each year I like to look back at my previous successes and struggles in order to better determine where I should focus my energies in creating new goals for the upcoming year. With having experienced so many firsts this year, I look forward to seeing what 2014 as in store!

Below is a quick recap of  some of the highlights that was my 2013. I'll be back later this week with a run down of expectations for 2014 - in the meantime, enjoy!

Made the leap and signed up for my first Olympic distance triathlon! I'd say that was a pretty big accomplishment in it's own right!

Reached deep into my wallet and bought my first indoor bike trainer that
was sure to be the most beneficial addition to my training arsenal!

Upped the ante and raced the Portland Shamrock Run 8k with some work buddies of mine. Shared 4.9 miles with over 10,000 of my closest friends and I thought I was going to die!! Crazy how much of a difference 9 months can make.

Visited the most breathtaking San Juan Islands with P - such a romantic weekend and one that we intend on experiencing again this next year.

Also had a great time running/walking the Race for the Roses 5k with P and The Kid. It was both The Kid and P's first organized race and they both did so great! We are definitely going to sign up for this one again!

Celebrated the wedding of my little sis and her handsome husband down in Cali. Felt sooooo good to be home, rejoycing with loved ones!

Completed my first tri of the year at the Blue Lake Sprint Tri in Fairview, OR. Literally down the street from my house so I got to ride my bike in and avoided the lines - bonus!!

Planned on racing my second tri of the season in the Wahine All Women's Sprint Tri, but due to lake water conditions they cancelled the swim portion and I ended up racing my first duathlon - what a fun experience racing with all women!

Spent the Fourth of July weekend at the coast - soaking up the sun and fun with our little family.

Got all soapy, muddy and slightly sunburned as the Three Amigos ran the Portland Foam Fest. Check out my righteous action shot below! Ha - DORK!

Had the amazing opportunity to race in my first Olympic distance at the 2013 Aluminum Man Tri in the Dalles, OR. Showed a little glimpse of the 'Beast Mode' I know is still in there as I continued to bike 29.5 miles and run 6.2 miles on a left foot sliced open by river rock during the swim. Like to say that I'm a bit more aware of how much mind over matter is really going to play into this whole triathlon business.....

Had an outstanding opportunity to go on an Alaska Cruise with P. What a unique experience and one that we will never forget!

And to top September off, experienced freezing cold rain and down trees with two running friends of mine at the annual Multnomah Falls Trail Run - 5.6 miles of "Why did I sign up for this again?" repeats going on through our heads. All in all I'd totally do it again! Nothing but hard cores out there.....

Thought I would add a little more busy into my life and started my blog: Tri-ing The Best I Can.
Also took the leap and registered for my first HIM - Boise 70.3 in June 2014 and made a commitment to start focusing on my run this next year. (oh joy)

Spent Thanksgiving up at the cabin in Mt Hood - 3 days with just P, the pups, the chill mountain air and wine....lots and lots of wine.....though I did get a little one man Turkey Trot in. Holiday motivation - BOOM!

Limped my way through a calf injury yet completed my very first half marathon at the 2013 PDX Holiday Half. A complete boost to my confidence and re-charged my desire to train like a monster for Boise!

And last but not least, spent Christmas at home with not one day of travelling - for once! Made cookies with The Kid, enjoyed 6 days off from work.......

And the highlight of my year?.........
 Got engaged to one of my biggest supporters and fans - Love you P!

There ya have it - hope that everyone had as much of a memorable year as I did. Looking forward to setting new goals for 2014 and sharing them with you all. Thanks for listening to my nonsense these past few months - I think I'm totally into this blogging thing. :)

The Three Amigos want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!!!